Friday, December 7, 2007


Today was almost a very successful day, but not quite. I say "almost'" because we were very close to capturing our first purple spotted hairless platypus today.

As you are likely aware, there was a reported sighting (as reported by most major media organizations) in the Northwest region of the Bahamas earlier in the week. Immediately upon hearing the news, we flew to Freeport to validate the sighting with local authorities and residents.

After only two hours, we identified someone that requested to remain anonymous (a local fisherman named Mark) that had actually heard the noises associated with the purple spotted hairless platypus. For those of you that are unaware, they sound like a small dog barking with a coconut caught in it's throat.

This is quite exciting! He (Mr. Anonymous) indicated that after he left the local adult drinking establishment he stepped on something, heard the noise, and saw something jump into the handbag of a fellow female patron.

After a thorough search of the handbag, the only thing he found was a small dog. Fortunately, for the dog, the purple spotted hairless platypus must not have realized it was in the handbag prior to jumping out. The results of an encounter like this could have been deadly... so we are told.

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