Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Old Year!

For those unfortunate supporters that have not received the annual end of year letter for what ever reason (i.e. inclimate weather, change of address, we did not send it, etc.), you will find it posted below:

"Dear Loyal Foundation of the Purple Spotted Hairless Platypus Supporter,

As the year winds down and we reflect on the events and non-indigenous-multi-crossbred-exotic species that have had an impact on us, we'd like to thank you for your unconditional support. Without you, our organization would simply be a joke - a non-reality that seems funny, but is rather sad given the dangers of the purple spotted hairless platypus and the other non-indigenous-multi-crossbred-exotic species that we are fortunate enough to research, track, encounter, and eradicate.

This year, we had the opportunity to travel the globe (when not on house arrest) and encounter some of the most heinous non-confirmed species alive - from the vicious Royal Oriole to the Assacobra in the Pacific Northwest. We, like many organizations in these challenging economic times, we're struggling to survive at times, but we're able to overcome the obstacles that were placed in front of us - like extradition, revoked passports, feral cats, and sausages - with your support and particularly your donations.

While 2008 was the year to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN, we've realized that, in 2009, we will be faced with new challenges that we will have to adapt to. With your continued support, we believe there is a 50/50 chance that we will make it.


Christopher Christophersonson II
Senior Director
Foundation of the Purple Spotted Hairless Platypus

Friday, December 5, 2008

Elf Off

Although a little anxious to post this given that some of you fear elves as much as you do the vicious Purple Spotted Hairless Platypus, you must keep in mind that elves are just as non-indigenous and detrimental to the balance of the circle of life in the fast lane as other species. Watch the horror and carnage for yourself in this recent video footage shot at an undisclosed location.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Random Dung

This has been such an amazing, whirlwind year and, here we are, with only 30 days left until another historic year. It seems like just yesterday that we were "volunteering" at that Christmas Island federal penal facility. Now, we are preparing for our epic expeditions across the extreme environments that our ever endearing Mother Earth has earmarked for us. And, the vision for next year has gotten much clearer now that we have our passports back and can legally take these ankle bracelets off.

For now, I'm not going to bore you with the details as you should be receiving the Season's Greetings Letter, Annual Report, & Donation Requests in the mail before too long. For those that do not receive their personally autographed letters for whatever the reason, we will be posting it here (as we send you all the same "We are great! Donate now!" letter regardless of how much you donate).