Saturday, November 22, 2008

HQ Renovations

In preparation for the 4th Annual Foundation Benefactor Dinner and as a result of the golden arched pygmy cricket infestation, we are renovating the Foundation's Headquarters. Basically, in our effort to remove the apparently deadly golden arched pygmy crickets, we removed the sheetrock and toilets.

Thus far, it has been an exciting yet awkward under taking. We believe that when we replaced the sheetrock that we trapped the cricket creatures inside the walls, but, unfortunately, they are so pygmy that they were challenging to identify.

With only six days left, we are now painting and pressure washing the toilets. As most of you are aware, I really like toilets, but hate painting. Fortunately, we were able to train the 3 1/2 armed magenta monkeys that we captured in Argentina to paint, so that has made the painting easier to cope with.

On a side note, for those that will be attending the event, you will gracious to hear that we will be eradicating 3 1/2 armed magenta monkeys that evening.

We look forward to seeing everyone that received their engraved invitations at the dinner. If you didn't receive yours invitation and you donated over $20,000 this year, please contact Droofus Pertersonson V at (800) Kill Platy.

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